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Funny New Year Messages for Best Friend

Funny New Year Messages for Best Friend

Funny New Year Messages for Best Friend: New Year 2022 is almost knocking at the door and the world is ready to welcome it with open arms. People all over the world are looking forward to welcoming 2022 and bid goodbye to the challenging year 2021.

The beginning of the new year is the right time to look forward to new beginnings and this time more than ever the hope is that 2022 brings health and prosperity to all. Here are some Happy New Year 2022 greetings, messages, images and quotes that you can share with your friends and family.

Funny New Year Messages for Best Friend

नया साल 2022 लगभग दरवाजे पर दस्तक दे रहा है और दुनिया इसका खुले हाथों से स्वागत करने के लिए तैयार है। पूरी दुनिया में लोग 2022 का स्वागत करने और चुनौतीपूर्ण वर्ष 2021 को अलविदा कहने के लिए उत्सुक हैं।

नए साल की शुरुआत नई शुरुआत की प्रतीक्षा करने का सही समय है और इस बार पहले से कहीं ज्यादा उम्मीद है कि 2022 सभी के लिए स्वास्थ्य और समृद्धि लेकर आए। यहां कुछ हैप्पी न्यू ईयर 2022 बधाई, संदेश, चित्र और उद्धरण दिए गए हैं जिन्हें आप अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ साझा कर सकते हैं।

Funny New Year Messages for Friends

  • I cannot ask God to not give me problems in this New Year because then I will be asking him to keep my friends away. Wishing you all Happy New Year.
  • On the occasion of New Year, there is only one thing that I want from God and that is some sanity for my friends. Happy New Year guys.

    Funny New Year Wishes for Best Friend in Hindi

  • Kash yeh saal le kar aaye humari dosti ke liye nayi khushiyan aur naye rang. Asha hai bitau tere saath New Year ka yeh din.
  • Teri dosti ka saath paa kar lagta hai ki hun khushnaseeb main. Rahein hum hamesha hi saath, yehi kaamna hai mere dil mein. Happy New Year.

Funny New Year Wishes for Best Friend

  • We are blessed to be friends with each other because no one else can be as crazy, as fun loving, as creative and as awesome as we two are… Cheers to our friendship as we enter another wonderful year to make it a happening one… Happy New Year my friend.
  • Life is boring if you don’t have someone to share your stupidities, secrets and happiness with you… I have you and you have me and that is for sure the best thing of the upcoming year… Wishing you lots of happiness and success… Have a Happy New Year dear.
  • I wish that we are blessed with a lovely where we can take more trips, enjoy more drinks, go to more parties, bunk more classes… more than the last year and have new targets to achieve the next year… Happy New Year buddy…. Lets rock it.
  • Boring New Year wishes are surely going to kill all the fun… So I wish you lots of drinking, lots of parties, lots of adrenaline rushes, lots of girlfriends and never ending charm…. Wishing you a rocking… May all your dreams come true in this New Year my dear.
  • We cannot go back to past and change things but we can surely make sure that each and every day of the coming year is more fun, more awesome and more interesting… Wishing you a rocking New Year and lots of adventure and entertainment.
  • It is time to give up on your fears and start living life king size… it is time to meet new challenges and chase your dreams without giving up… I wish a successful and wonderful New Year… May you have a memorable year for many many good reasons.
  • As 2022 approaches I am reminded of the wonderful times we had spent in the last year that have given us reasons to smile, reasons to party and reasons to understand each other a lot better… Cheers to those lovely moments and warm wishes for the New Year.
  • Our lives are influenced by each other…. I have made you a more responsible person and you have made me a weirder person… Thanks for all the efforts you have made to change me… Looking forward for more weirdness… Happy New Year to you.
  • I have always wished for the best of everything for you… I have always prayed for your success but please don’t score more marks than me in this fresh year or else I will have to rethink about my prayers… Wishing you a very Happy New Year my friend… Study Well.
  • Thanks my friend for pushing me to do things I would have never even thought of… Thanks for all the adventure and craziness… Warm wishes to you on New Year and I am waiting for more creative awesomeness with you… Let’s unfold what this year has for us.

Funny New Year Messages for Best Friend

READ ALSO : Christmas Card Message 2021 for Daughter from Mom

READ ALSO : Parsi New Year Wishes 2022

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