Categories: मनोरंजन

Happy Holi 2022 Wishes For Soldiers

Happy Holi 2022 Wishes For Soldiers : Holi, a festival celebrated on Falgun Shukla Purnima is celebrated for three days in India. Holika Dahan is played on the first day, Dhulendi i.e. Holi of dust or ashes of Holika on the second day and Holi of colors on the third day.

In many areas, there is also a phagua along with coloring for several days. In Phagua people form groups and sing fun-filled traditional Holi songs and shower each other with colors and gulal.

The word Holi comes from Holika the aunt of the devotee Prahlad. To kill Prahlad, the devotee who took him in her lap sat in the fire. It is said that by the grace of Narayana Prahlad did not burn while Holika was burnt. Since then the practice of celebrating Dhulendi and Holi started.

It is believed that the celebration of Holi started from the Prahladpuri temple in Pakistan. Holi is known by the names of Hori, Holika Dahan, Dhulendi, Dhurendi, Dhulandi, Fagua, Choti Holi, Rangwali Holi etc.

Happy Holi 2022 Messages for Soldiers


  • Celebrations of Holi are incomplete without sending our best wishes to our soldiers who protect us and keep us safe…. Happy Holi to our soldiers.
  • On the occasion of Holi, I wish the beautiful colours of love for nation to our Indian Army which is always there guarding us.
  • Wishing a wonderful Holi to all our army men who fight for us like brave souls and fill our lives with colours…. Happy Holi to our Indian army.
  • May the colours of Holi give you all the strength and lots of happiness in your life…. Best wishes on Holi to our Indian Army.
  • Red is the colour of courage and our soldiers are the epitome of strength….. Wishing a very Happy Holi to each of our soldiers.

Happy Holi 2022 Wishes for Soldiers


  • Each soldier is an inspiration to many countrymen….. Each soldier represents the red colour, full of energy and high spirits…. Happy Holi 2022.
  • They are painted in the colours of courage and patriotism which makes them so special…. A very Happy Holi to our brave soldiers.
  • The merriment of Holi is incomplete without remembering our soldiers who are so full of energy and inspiration…. Best wishes on Holi to our soldiers.
  • To our brave soldiers, I wish a very Happy Holi…. May you enjoy this festival with colours of patriotism.
  • Wishing a very colorful and Happy Holi to our soldiers who are infused with love for nation and bravery.

(Happy Holi 2022 Wishes For Soldiers)

Also Read: Happy Dhulandi 2022 Messages

Also Read :Happy Holi 2022 Messages For Her

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Parveen Kumari

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